Author(s): Lingaraju CM, Ashwini, Sandhya Rani GN, Elizabeth lizi


DOI: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.03   

Address: Lingaraju CM1, Ashwini1, Sandhya Rani GN2, Elizabeth lizi2
1Asst. Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru.
2Asst. Lecturer, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

Influenza is one of the common global pandemic outbreaks all the parts of the world. it appeasers in different name because of mutagenic nature of the virus. when it enters from one species to another it will undergoes complete mutagenic changes and reappears in community in different names. It recently outbreaks in Mysuru. Hence its very crucial to assess the knowledge on h1n1 in gross root level. So The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge on h1n1 among rural elders under Varuna PHC at Mysuru dist. Objectives: A study to assess the knowledge on H1N1 among Rural elderly at selected rural area at Mysuru. Methods: The research design selected for this study was descriptive design. Non Probability convenient sampling technique was adopted to select 60 Rural Elderly at selected area under Mysuru dist. Result: Result revealed that majority of sample are have adequate knowledge on H1N1 but there is association between the Knowledge of the rural elderly with their selected demographic variables such as age, Gender, education and awareness program me. Conclusion: It was concluded that the Rural Elderly having Adequate Knowledge on H1N1 and there is statistical significance association between the knowledge and demographic variable such as age, Gender, education and awareness programme.

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Lingaraju CM, Ashwini, Sandhya Rani GN, Elizabeth lizi. A Study to Assess the Knowledge on H1N1 among Rural Elderly in a selected rural area at Mysuru. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2024; 3(1):13-5. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.03

Lingaraju CM, Ashwini, Sandhya Rani GN, Elizabeth lizi. A Study to Assess the Knowledge on H1N1 among Rural Elderly in a selected rural area at Mysuru. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2024; 3(1):13-5. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.03   Available on:

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