3. To find an association between the pre-test knowledge scores and selected demographic variables. Methodology: Research design: -Pre-experimental study. In which one group pretest and post test method is planned for research study. Groups Pre test Intervention Post test,60 working mothers in colleges, Bangalore. Structured knowledge questionnaire consist of 30 Structured knowledge questionnaire on the basis of multiple choice questions on knowledge of latchkey children are utilized as a tool to collect the data from working mother's at B.E.S Degree College and B.E.S. Pre-University College, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Results: Regarding effectiveness of SIM, the overall mean knowledge score in the pre-test was 45.66 % and 80.93 % in the post test with enhancement of 35 % and it was significant at 5% level. Analysis of socio-demographic variables showed that none of demographic variable are significant associated with knowledge score at 5% level (P>0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study support the need for nurses to conduct the health education to increase the knowledge of working mothers in B.E.S Degree College and B.E.S. Pre- University College, Jayanagar, Bangalore. And had a remarkable increase in the knowledge regarding latchkey children when compared to their previous knowledge, prior to the implementation of the Self-instructional module. Thus the student researcher recommends further studies in these areas to improve knowledge regarding latchkey children.
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Gayithri S. Gowda, Laishram Dabashini Devi. Effectiveness of Self-Instructional module on knowledge regarding Latchkey children among working mother's. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2023; 2(2):41-4. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2023.11
Gayithri S. Gowda, Laishram Dabashini Devi. Effectiveness of Self-Instructional module on knowledge regarding Latchkey children among working mother's. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2023; 2(2):41-4. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2023.11 Available on: https://ijnmronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2023-2-2-5
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