Author(s): Ashwini C, Lingaraju CM, Munirathnamma


DOI: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.40   

Address: Ashwini C, Lingaraju CM, Munirathnamma
Assistant. Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Ramachandra Agrahara, Mysuru – 04, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2024

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent common problem all the part of the world India also will became capital on diabetes. International diabetic federation gave danger messages related to diabetes. The WHO estimates that diabetes resulted in 1.5 million deaths in 2012, making it the 8th leading cause of death. However another 2.2 million deaths worldwide were attributable to high blood glucose and the increased risks of associated complications, which often result in premature death and are often listed as underlying cause of death on death certificates rather than diabetes. Hence The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge of risk factors of diabetes mellitus among rural elders at pilllahalli village under Varuna PHC, Mysuru. Objectives: A cross sectional study to Asses the knowledge on risk factors of diabetes among rural elderly at Pillahalli village, Mysuru. Methods: The research design selected for this study was descriptive design. Non-Probability convenient sampling technique was adopted to select 50 rural Elderly at Pillahalli, Mysuru. Result: Result revealed that majority of Rural elderly are have adequate knowledge there is association between the Knowledge with the selected variable such as gender, education, income and also awareness programme. Conclusion: It was concluded that the rural Elderly having Adequate Knowledge on risk factors of diabetes mellitus and there is statistical significance association between The knowledge and demographic variable such as age, gender and occupation. Religious, income, awareness programme.

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Ashwini C, Lingaraju CM, Munirathnamma. A Cross Sectional Study to Asses the Knowledge on Risk Factors of Diabetes among Rural Elderly at Pillahalli Village, Mysuru. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(4):177-0. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.40

Ashwini C, Lingaraju CM, Munirathnamma. A Cross Sectional Study to Asses the Knowledge on Risk Factors of Diabetes among Rural Elderly at Pillahalli Village, Mysuru. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(4):177-0. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.40   Available on:

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