Author(s): Sudhir B. Bagda, K. Sam Prasad, Jeenath Justin Doss K.


DOI: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.38   

Address: Sudhir B. Bagda, K. Sam Prasad, Jeenath Justin Doss K.
Shree Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/H Shainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2024

Assessment of high quality new born care is the right of the new born everywhere. Babies have the right to breath normally, prevention of infection, and should protected from the injuries. New born care includes essential new born care and routine care. Essential new born care involves the immediate care provided at the time of the birth. Routine care involves the other basic care provided to the new born after 24 hours of delivery. New born care in the immediate post delivery period includes prevention and management of haemorrhage, thermal care, cord care, early initiation of breast feeding, eye care and recognition of when to refer. To care for new borns, nurses and midwives require knowledge and skills to provide immediate new born care interventions. Pre experimental one group pre-test post-test method was adopted for this study. Total 60 samples of staff nurses working in selected hospitals of Bharuch city were selected. Data collection done by using structured knowledge questionnaire before and after providing standard protocol guideline regarding new born care. The present study is evaluating the knowledge of staff nurses regarding new born care. The mean of pre-test knowledge score is 30.63% and post-test mean score is 40.65%. It shows significant difference in pre-test and post-test. The difference in pre-test means score and post-test mean score is 10.02 %. The great difference in pre-test and post-test mean score of knowledge shows that the standard protocol guideline given to the staff nurses was very effective. There is no significant association between knowledge score with demographic variables. Immediate care at birth includes delayed cord clamping, drying of the baby, assessment of the baby involves breathing, early initiation of breast feeding and skin to skin contact

Cite this article:
Sudhir B. Bagda, K. Sam Prasad, Jeenath Justin Doss K.. A Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knolwedge reagrding standard protocol guideline regarding for new born care among staff Nurses in selected Hospital at Rajkot. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(4):165-9. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.38

Sudhir B. Bagda, K. Sam Prasad, Jeenath Justin Doss K.. A Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knolwedge reagrding standard protocol guideline regarding for new born care among staff Nurses in selected Hospital at Rajkot. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(4):165-9. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.38   Available on:

1.    Btbasavanthappa. Child Health Nursing. Jaypee The Health Science Publication, New Delhi; 1st Edition; Page no 263-289
2.    Manoj Yadav. Child Health Nursing. Pee Vee Publication; 4th Edition; Pageno 308-312
3.    Paruldatta. Textbookof Paediatric Nuursing. Jaypee Publication. 3rd Edition; Page no-64-90
7. born-care-in-health-facilities.pdf

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