Background: Breastfeeding is considered as one of the most natural and intimate of all human interaction. Human milk has no substitute and breast is nature’s apparatus for feeding babies. Breast feeding is an art. As a mother, immunity, aid digestion and promote brain development. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to assess the general examination of the breast and to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing care package on early initiation of breast feeding among LSCS mothers. Methods: Research design and approach: Post-test only research design was used for the present study. The study was conducted in SMVMCH, Puducherry and sample size was 50 LSCS mothers who were admitted at SMVMCH and was selected by using convenient sampling technique. Instrument was used to assess the effectiveness of nursing care package on early initiation of breast feeding and measured by using breast feeding assessment tool developed by the researcher. Results: The findings reveals that out of 50 LSCS mothers. The effectiveness of nursing care 44(88%) had good latch, 5(10%) had moderate latch, 1(2%) had poor latch respectively. This shows that there is improvement taken place after giving nursing intervention package on breast feeding techniques. Conclusion: The researcher concluded that nursing care package was more effective and in future this can be taken as large sample to impart the knowledge for the postnatal mothers.
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Priyadharshini. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Nursing Care Package on Early Initiation of Breast Feeding among LSCS mother admitted at selected Hospital, Puducherry. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(3):113-6. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.25
Priyadharshini. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Nursing Care Package on Early Initiation of Breast Feeding among LSCS mother admitted at selected Hospital, Puducherry. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2024; 3(3):113-6. doi: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.25 Available on: https://ijnmronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-3-3-4
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